In a world where Matt and Roberta successfully share a business and a rental house, times turn tough when the government orders lockdowns to slow a raging pandemic.
Matt dreams of making it big in Hollywood, narrating his life in the iconic movie trailer voice of Don LaFontaine.
Faithful business partner, housemate, and best friend, Robbi, helps him run an industrial film business while he awaits his big break.
While a pandemic puts life and dreams on hold, Matt’s infatuation with a beautiful barista leads him to violate the quarantine bubble in which he and Robbi live and work.
Who knew keeping a secret from Robbi would lead to so much turmoil and threaten his dream?
“Literally laughed out loud. I was cheering for them at the end… which is weird because they’re fictional characters, but [Lewis] wrote them so well I connected with them as people.”
“Fantastic! …consistently fun/funny/heartwarming!”
“Thumbs up! It’s SOOOO good!”